[Prev| Next| Index] For My Children I'm the mother of two children, one 15 and one 7. It is in their behalf that I write this note. The freedoms that we have in the US were hard won by the blood our founding fathers where willing to shed. In past generations, many people of this country have given the ultimate sacrafice, their lives, to defend and protect our freedoms. Now is the time for our generations to do the same in order to secure all freedoms for the future generations.... not through violence or bloodshed, but with understanding and wisdom, teaching those who do not know of the great value the internet has to offer. The interenet has been a place where ideas could flourish freely, information is exchanged and knowledge spread. I implore those in power in all countries to help it move in a positive forward direction and not to stifle the free exchange of ideas. Back to my [Image] Home page Created and maintained by Vicki Ciucio - itsvicki@cent.com Last edited Thursday, February 22, 1996.